Vivienne S. Y. LEUNG Vivienne S. Y. LEUNG
Vivienne S. Y. LEUNG 梁雪茵

Senior Lecturer and Programme Director of Advertising and Branding Concentration

Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
(852) 3411-7485
CVA Room 912

Vivienne Leung is the Senior Lecturer & Programme Director of Advertising and Branding Concentration at Hong Kong Baptist University. She received her Ph.D. in communication studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. Previously she held positions at Grey Advertising and Fallon Asia/Hong Kong as a strategic planner. Her clients include United Airlines, P&G, Wrigley, Audi, PCCW, McDonald’s, and Bank of China. Her research interests include advertising, celebrity culture/effects, health communication, and social service marketing. Apart from her recent book Celebrity Culture and the entertainment industry in Asia: Use of Celebrity and its Influence on Society, Culture, and Communication (Intellect; University of Chicago Press), She also published in Service Marketing QuarterlyJournal of Nonprofit & Public Sector MarketingIntercultural Communication StudiesAsian Journal of Business ResearchJournal of Consumer MarketingChinese Journal of Communications, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, media and engagement in global health, Patient Experience JournalCommunity Mental Health Journal and, Global Media and China. Vivienne was awarded the Outstanding Performance in Teaching and the Student Service Award by Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014/15 and 2020/21, respectively. She also completed the Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing; at Digital Marketing Institute in 2018. In 2022, the Advance HE awarded her Senior Fellowship (SFHEA).


Research Interests

Advertising and Creativity
Body Image
Celebrity Culture and Celebrity Endorsement Effect
Health Communication
Social Service Marketing



Book Publication

Leung, S. Y., Cheng, K., & Tse, T. (2017) Celebrity culture and the entertainment industry in Asia: Use of celebrity and its influence on society, culture and communication. Fishponds, UK: Intellect. (available online at

Leung, S. Y., Cheng, K., & Tse, T. (2016) Fifteen minutes celebrity: Interviewing with insiders [E-reader version, if applicable]CHTL, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Book Chapter

Leung, S. Y. (2018) Creative professional’s perceptions of creativity in Hong Kong. In Y. Huang., & Y. Song (Ed.), The Evolving Landscape of Media and Communication in Hong Kong, City University Hong Kong Press.

Chan, K., Tsang L., & Leung, S. Y. (2017) Advertising medical services. In K. Chan (Ed.), Social Issues of Advertising, (pp. 171-186), City University Hong Kong Press.

Refereed Publications

Tse, T., Leung, S.Y., Cheng, K., & Chan, J. (2018), “A clown, a political messiah or a punching bag? Rethinking the performative identity construction of celebrity through social media.” Global Media and China. Vol. 3 (3), 141-157. (available online at

Leung, S. Y. (2018), “The disclosure of celebrity major depressive diagnoses in Hong Kong: Its effects on public awareness and understanding toward the illness.” Community Mental Health Journal. Vol. 55(1), 120-128. (available online at

Leung, S.Y., Cheng, K., & Tse, T. (2018), Insiders’ views: The current practice of using celebrities in marketing communications in Greater China. Intercultural Communication Studies, Vol. 27(1), 96-113.

Leung, S. Y. & Cheng, K. (2016), “Publics’ perception of celebrities with serious illness in Hong Kong and the impact of media stories of ill celebrities on health awareness and behavior,” Journal of Communication in healthcare: Strategies, media and engagement in global health. Vol 9(4), 256-266. (available online at

Leung, S. Y. & Cheng, K. (2016), “Female and male patients’ perceptions to primary care doctors’ communication skill in Hong Kong,” Patient Experience Journal. Vol 3(1), 7-14. (available online at

Leung, S.Y. & Cheng, K. (2016), “Consumers’ perception toward the content and marketing strategies of disease prevention PSAs in Hong Kong,” International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. Vol 54(4), 162-171. (available online at


Refereed Conference Papers/Presentations

Mak, A., & Leung, S. Y. (2016), “Internalization of idealized body image among young males in Australia: An integrated approach,” International Communication Association, June 9-13, Fukuoka, Japan.

Leung, S. Y. & Cheng, K. (2015), “Hong Kong female and male patients’ perceptions to primary care doctors’ communication skill,” Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET), June 25-27, Hong Kong.

Kimmy C., & Leung, S. Y. (2015), “Are we doing enough? Medical students, faculty members and practicing doctor’s perceptions of communication skills training in Hong Kong,” International Conference on “Environment, Health and media, January 6-7, Hong Kong.



Student Service Award (2020/21), Communication Studies Department of School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University
Outstanding Performance in Teaching (2014/15), School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University

Research/Teaching Development Grants
(2022) Principle Investigator, Service-Learning Mini-Grants, Centre for Innovative Service-Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (HK$30,000)
(2021) Principle Investigator, Service-Learning Mini-Grants, Centre for Innovative Service-Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (HK$60,000)
(2020) Principle Investigator, Service-Learning Mini-Grants, Centre for Innovative Service-Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (HK$30,000)
(2019) Principle Investigator, Service-Learning Mini-Grants, Centre for Innovative Service-Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (HK$30,000)
(2018) Principle Investigator, Teaching Development Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University: “Improving Active Learning and Enhancing Socio-cultural Practicability of the Course PRAD 3016 Campaign Planning and Management” (HK$194,120)
(2017) Principle Investigator, Teaching Development Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University, Communication Studies Department: “Enhancing social practicality of the course PRAD 3016 Campaign Planning and Management” (HK$29,800)
(2015) Principle Investigator, Teaching Development Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University, Communication Studies Department: “Enhancing understanding towards celebrity culture and entertainment industry in Asia” (HK$29,648)
(2014) Principle Investigator, Teaching Development Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University: “Improving Active Learning, Critical Thinking and Sociocultural Relevance of the Course GDBU1855/GDSS1855 Celebrity and Entertainment Business” (HK$149,880)
(2013) Principle Investigator, Seed money for research project, Hong Kong Baptist University, Communication studies department: “Are we doing enough? Medical students, health educators and practicing doctors’ views of communication skills training in medical education in Hong Kong” (HK$30,000)
(2010) Co-Investigator, Faculty Research Grant II, Hong Kong Baptist University: “A content analysis of advertising appeals and health information in Hong Kong’s food advertising” (HK$94,240)