Ran WEI 魏然

Associate Dean (Research and Development) and Chair Professor

Ph.D. Indiana University

M.A. University of Wales

B.A. Shanghai International Studies University

(852) 3411-8012
CVA Room 1018A
Advice to Students
Keep calm and take charge (of your education).

Research Interests

Media Effects
Perception and Cognitive Bias
Communication Technology
Mobile Communication for Civic Engagement



Books and edited books

Wei, R., & Lo, V. et al., (2024). Miscommunicating the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Asian Perspective. London: Routledge (in press).

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (Eds.) (2023). The Role of Media in Communicating the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Studies in Chinese Societies. Taipei: Wunan Press (forthcoming)

Wei, R., & Lo. V.-H. (2021). News in their pockets: A cross-city comparative study of mobile news consumption in Asia. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wei, R. (ed.) (2018). Mobile Communication and Civic Activism: Case Studies in Asia (in Chinese). Hsin Chu, Taiwan: Taiwan Chiao Tung University Press.

Wei, R. (ed.) (2018). The State of Asian Communication Research and Directions for the 21st Century. New York: Routledge.

Wei, R. (ed.) (2018). Advances in Foundational Mass Communication Theories. New York: Routledge.

Wei, R. (ed.) (2016). Mobile Media, Political Participation, and Civic Activism in Asia: Private Chat to Public Communication. Dordrecht: Springer.

Wei, R. (ed.) (2016). Refining Milestone Mass Communications Theories for the 21st Century. New York: Routledge.

Wei, R., Lo, V. & Zhou, S. (2016). Media Effects and Social Change. Beijing: People’s University Press.

Lo, V., Chan, J., Pan, Z., So, C., Chen, H., Lee, C., & Wei, R. (2004). The Chinese Journalist in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan in Transition. Taipei, Taiwan: The Grand Rapids Press.

Edited journal special issues

Wei, R. & Liu, X. (Eds.)(2019). Understanding the psychology of mobile social apps as the new homescreen in Chinese societies: Social consequences, cultural evolution and individual well-being. Chinese Journal of Communication, 12 (1).

Wei, R. (ed.)(2016). The state of Asian communication research and directions for the 21 century. Asian Journal of Communication, 26 (6).

Wei, R. (ed.)(2009). The mobile telephony and mobile communication in Asia. Media Asia, 35 (3).

Wei, R. (ed.)(2008). New digital media in China: Developments, diffusion and impact. Media Asia, 34 (1)

Book chapters and proceedings

Wei, R. (2020). Ego and cognitive biases in perceptions of media influence. In Jan Van Den Bulck (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Wiley.

Wei, R. (2019). “Ego and Perception Bias.” In Blackwell Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Wei, R., & Xu, Z. (2019). “New Media and Politics: A Synopsis of Theories, Issues, and Research.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York: Oxford University Press. 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.104.

Wei, R. (2019). “Mobile Media and Political Communication: Connect, Communicate, and Participate.” In R. Ling, L. Fortunati, G. Goggin., & S. Lim (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society. New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

Wei, R. (2018) “Taking stock and showcasing communication research on Asia for a global audience”. In R. Wei (Ed.) The State of Asian Communication Research and Directions for the 21st Century (pp. 1-4). New York: Routledge.

Wei, R. (2018) “Extending the deep legacy of our field’s top scholars”. In R. Wei (Ed.) Advances in Foundational Mass Communication Theories (pp. 1-6). New York: Routledge.

Wei, R. (2016). “The Mobile Phone and Political Participation in Asia: Theorizing the Dynamics of Personalized Technologies and Networked Externality”. In R. Wei (Ed.) Mobile media, political participation, and civic activism in Asia: Private chat to public communication (pp. 1-18). Dordrecht: Springer.

Wei, R., & O’Boyle, J. (2016). “Mobile Media as a Political Institution in Asia: Preliminary Evidence from Empirical Research 2000–2015”. In R. Wei (Ed.) Mobile media, political participation, and civic activism in Asia: Private chat to public communication (pp. 19-40). Dordrecht: Springer.

Wei, R. (2016). “Milestones define the field”. In R. Wei (Ed.) Refining Milestone Mass Communications Theories for the 21st Century (pp.1-5). New York: Routledge.

Wei, R., & Lo. V. (2015). “The third-person effect and political communication”. In Gianpietro Mazzolen (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication (pp.1-6). London, Blackwell.

Wei, R., & Borton, B. (2014). “A review of theories of relationships between playing violent video games (online or not) and the acceptance of violence or antisocial behavior in society”. In Robert Footner & Mark Fackler (Eds.) International Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory (pp. 552-572). London, Blackwell.

Wei, R. (2014). “New media and international advertising”. In Hong Cheng (Ed.) International Handbook of International Advertising Research (pp. 161-183). London, Blackwell.

Lo, V., Wei, R., So, C., & Zhang, G. (2013). “The influence of third-person effect on support for restrictions of Internet pornography among college students in Shanghai and Hong Kong”. In F. Lee et al. (Eds.), Frontiers in New Media Research (pp. 191-204). London: Routledge.

Wei, R., & Zhao, Z. (2009). “Digital cable TV networks: Convergent technologies, value-added services and business strategies”. In I. Lee (Ed.) Handbook of research on telecommunications planning and management for business (pp. 542-556). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Wei, R. (2009). “The Influence of mobile phone advertising on dependency: A cross-cultural study of mobile phone use between American and Chinese youth”. In G. Golan, W. Wanta & T. Johnson (Eds.) International Media Communication in a Global Age (401-421). NY: Rutledge.

Wei, R., & Jiang, J. (2009). “New media advertising and its social impact in China”. In H. Cheng & K. Chan (Eds.) Advertising and Chinese Society (pp. 245-263). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.

Wei, R. & Zhou, S. (2009). “Effects of cultural congruency in creative strategy and execution.” In the proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference (American Academy of Advertising).

Wei, R. (2008). “Adoption of Wi-Fi technologies and creation of virtual workplaces”. In P. Zemliansky & K. S. Amant (Eds.) Handbook of research on virtual workplaces and the new nature of business practices (pp. 395-407). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Wei, R. (2007). “New technology and the Internet research”. In S. Lu & J. Hong (Eds.) Xifang Dazhong Chuanbo Yanjiu lilun Pingjian (Frontiers and critiques of mass communication research in the west) (pp. 296-322). Beijing, China: Remin University Press.

Wei, R., & Jiang, J. (2007). “Emerging equality but enduring stereotypes: A comparison of gender role portrayals in American and Chinese cell phone ads” (pp. 1-12). In Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2003). “Expectancy-value and perceived attributes of Internet shopping as determinants of online shopping and non-shopping behaviors” (pp. 18-23). In Proceedings of the 2ndAsia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.

Wei, R. (2000). “Mainland Chinese news in Taiwan’s press: The interplay of press ideology, organizational strategies, and news structure”. In C.C. Lee (Ed.) Power, money, and media: Communication patterns and bureaucratic control in cultural China (pp. 337-365). Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.

Wei, R. (2000). “China’s television in the era of marketisation.” In M. Richards & D. French (Eds.), Television in contemporary Asia (pp. 325-346). London: Sage.

Wei, R. (1998). “Press developments in Taiwan and the changing coverage of the Taiwan-China relationship.” In B. T. McIntyre (Ed.), Mass media in the Asian Pacific (pp. 60-71). U.K.: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Journal articles

Wei, R., Li, Z., Lo, V-H. & Yang, X., (2024), “A Cross-Cultural Study of the Role of Efficacious Beliefs and Perceived Media Effects on Threat Perception in Predicting COVID-19 Compliance in China and the United States”, Media Psychology. 27, 2, p. 271-301 31 p.

Wei, R., Lo, V. H., Zhang, X., Lu, M. & Qiu, J. L., (2024), “Examining the impact of digital information environments, information processing, and presumed influence on behavioral responses to COVID-19 misinformation in Asia”, (E-pub ahead of print) New Media and Society. 24 p.

Wei, R., Zhou, S., He, R. & Huang, K., (2024), “Communicating environment protection from plastic waste via VR: Effects of realism and spatial presence on risk perception”, Telematics and Informatics Reports. 13, 7 p., 100121.

Wei, R. (2023). Evolving mobile media: Changing technology and transforming behavior. Mobile Media & Communication, 11(1), 25-29. https://doi.org/10.1177/20501579221131448

Lo, V.-H., Kuo, L., Wei, R., & Li, Z. (2022). Anger yes, boycott no: Third-person effects and the China–U.S. trade war. International Journal of Communication, 16, 1-22. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/19520

魏然、郭靖、王賽、黃懿慧(2022)。 〈新冠肺炎虛假資訊接觸對認知和態度的負面影響:探究數字媒體資訊近用性的形塑作用〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第62 期,頁207–264。
Wei, R., Guo, J., Wang, S., & Y.-H. C. Huang (2022).  The role of digital information accessibility in shaping the relationships of exposure to COVID-19 misinformation and cognitive and attitudinal effects in AsiaCommunication and Society, 62, 207–264.

Wei, R. (2022). Evolving mobile media: Changing technology and transforming behavior. Mobile Media & Communication, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1177/20501579221131448

Wei, R., Fan, J., & Liu, J. (2022). Mobile communication research in 15 top-tier journals, 2006–2020: an updated review of trends, advances, and characteristics. Mobile Media & Communication, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1177/20501579221110324

楊曉冬、李怡靜、魏然(2022)。 〈親子間的手機博弈:家庭關係對青少年心理健康的影響研究〉。《全球傳播學刊》第9卷第3期,頁35-57。

Wei, R., & Li, Q. J.-Y. (2021).  For the greater good: the role of news attention and culture in affecting Americans’ biased perceptions of news about coronavirus pandemic and effecting preventionCommunication and Society, 58, 203–253.

Zhu, Y., Wei, R., Lo, V.-H., Zhang, M., & Li, Z. (2021). Collectivism and altruistic behavior: a third-person effect study of COVID-19 news among Wuhan residents. Global Media and China, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/20594364211045568

Liu, X., Lo, V.-H., Wei, R., Li, Xi., Pang, S., & Zhang, R. (2021).  Media exposure and third-person perception: the mediating role of social realism and proxy efficacyInternational Journal of Communication, 15, 4338-4359.

Pan, J., Han, G., & Wei, R. (2021). Duanzi as networked practice: How online satire shapes psychological well-being, social support, and issue knowledge for Chinese with different social capital during COVID-19 outbreaks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021(18), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18189783

Li, Z., Wei, R., Lo, V.-H., Zhang, M., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Cognitive reasoning, risk targets and behavioral responses to COVID-19 outbreaks among Wuhan residents during lockdown. Asian Journal of Communication, 31 (5), 355-372. https://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2021.1965175

Yang, X., Wei, R., & Ho, S. (2021).  If others care, I will fight climate change: an examination of media effects in addressing the public goods dilemma of climate change mitigationInternational Journal of Communication, 15, 3315–3335.

李宗亞、張明新、魏然、朱毅誠(2021)。 <新冠肺炎疫情危機中的微信使用與利他行為:風險感知與公共信任的中介效應>。《國際新聞界》第5期,頁6-22。

李宗亞、羅文輝、魏然、張國良、陳憶寧、Edson Tandoc(2020)。 <手機新聞使用、導向需求與信息環境對政治知識的影響>。《新聞大學》,第171期,頁105-125。

Liu, X., Lo, V.-H., & Wei, R. (2020). Violent videogames, telepresence, presumed influence, and support for taking restrictive and protective actions. SAGE Open, 1-11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244020919524

尹一伊、羅文輝、盧鴻毅、魏然 (2020)。 <2016年臺灣總統選舉年輕族群之第三人效果研究>。《傳播研究與實踐》,第10卷第1期,頁141-172。

Li, Z., Lo, V., Lu, H. & Wei, R. (2019).  The impact of information processing strategies and political discussion on game knowledge and substance knowledge.  Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 36 (12), DOI: 117-155. 10.3966/172635812019120036004

Wei, R., Lo, V.-H., Chen, K. Y.-N., Tandoc, E., & Zhang, G. (2019).  Press Systems, freedom of the press and credibility: a comparative analysis of mobile news in four Asian citiesJournalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2019.1691937

Wei, R., Lo, V.-H., & Zhu, Y. (2019)  Need for orientation and third-person effects of the televised debates in the 2016 U.S. presidential electionMass Communication and Society, 22(5), 565-583. DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2019.1601227

Wei, R., Liu., X., & Liu, X. (2019). Examining the third-person effects of mobile Internet fraud: A social network approach. Telematics and Informatics, doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2019.04.002

Li, Z., Lo, V., Wei, R., & Lu, H. (2019). The impact of information processing strategies and political discussion on game knowledge and substance knowledge, The Chinese Journal of Communication Research (in press).

Wen, N., & Wei, R. (2018). Examining effects of informational use of social media platforms and social capital on civic engagement regarding genetically modified foods in China, International Journal of Communication 12, 3729–3750.

Liu, X., & Wei, R. (2018). The evolution of Internet studies as an undiscipline, Journalism Bimonthly, 149 (3), 98-106.

Wei, R., Huang, J., & Zheng, P. (2018). Use of mobile social apps for public communication in China: Gratifications as antecedents of posting articles on WeChat public accounts. Mobile Media & Communication, 6 (1), 108-126.

Wei, R., Lo, V., & Golan, G. (2017). Examining the relationship between presumed influence of U.S. news about China and the support for Chinese government’s global public relations campaigns. International Journal of Communication, 11, 2964–2981.

Lo, V., Wei, R., & Lu, H. (2017). Issue importance, third-person effects of protest news and participation in Taiwan’s Sunflower movement. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 94 (3), 682-702.

Liu, S., & Wei, R. (2017). Trends and patterns in communication research on Asia: A review of publications in top SSCI journals, 1995-2014. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 62, 6-17.

Lo, V., Wei, R., & Guo, L., & Zhang, X. (2016). Theoretical and methodological patterns of third-person effect research: A comparative thematic analysis of Asia and the world. Asian Journal of Communication, 26 (6), 583-604.

Zheng, Y., Wei, R., & Nekmat, E. (2016). Asian mobile communication research: current status, enduring issues and future trends. Asian Journal of Communication, 26 (6), 532-547.

Campbell, K., Wei, R., Leung, W., & Mikashavidze, M. (2016). It’s the leadership, stupid, not the economy: A framing study of newspaper endorsements in the 2012 presidential election. Newspaper Research Journal, 37 (1), 6-20.

Haught, M, Wei, R., & Karlis, J. (2016). Apps, apps, and more apps: Motivations and user behaviors. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 7 (1), 1-14.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2015). News on the move: Predictors of mobile news consumption and engagement among Chinese mobile phone users. Electronic News, 9 (3), 177-194.

Wei, R., Lo, V., & Chang, C. (2015). Endorsements move students to choose candidates. Newspaper Research Journal, 36 (4), 482-494.

Lo, V., Wei, R., Lu, H., & Hou, S. (2015). Perceived issue importance, information-processing and third-person effect of news about the imported U.S. beef controversy in Taiwan. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 (3), 341-360.

Wei, R., Lo, V., Lu, H., & Hou, S. (2015). Examining multiple behavioral effects of third-person perception: Evidence from the news about Fukushima nuclear crisis in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication. 8 (1), 95-111.

Wei, R., & Jiang, J. (2015). The image of China in western press in 2013: An agenda-setting study. Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication, 37 (2), 142-167.

Wei, R., & Huang, G. (2015). The current status of media convergence in Europe and the U.S.: A critique of emerging models. Journal of Central China Normal University (Social Sciences & Humanities), 54 (6), 1-8.

Wei, R. (2015). New media research at a crossroads: Predicaments and solutions. Communication & Society, 31 (1), 233-252.

Wei, R., Lo, V., Xu, G., Chen, K., & Zhang, G. (2014). Predicting mobile news use among college students: The role of press freedom in four Asian cities. New Media & Society, 16 (4), 638-655.

Chen, Y., Lo, V., Wei, R., Xu, X., & Zhang, G. (2014). Motivations for mobile phone use as predictors of seeking mobile news: A comparative study of college students in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore. Communication & Society, 27, 207–237.

Chen, K. Lo, V., Wei, Xu, H., & Zhang, G. (2014). A comparative study of the relationship between mobile phone use and social capital among college students in Shanghai and Taipei. International Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1 (1), 2-9.

Chang, C., Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2014). Ambivalent Versus univalent voters: Perceived media influences and third-person perceptions. Media Psychology, 17 (4), 420-450.

Wen, N., Hao, X., Wei, R. (2014). A framing analysis of China image in polling news in the global media. Communication & Society, 30 (4), 71-95.

Liu, S., Liu, X., Wei, R. (2014). Maintaining social connectedness in a fast-changing world: Examining the effects of mobile phone uses on loneliness among teens in Tibet. Mobile Media & Communication, 2 (3), 318-334.

Haught, M., Wei, R., Zhang., J., & Yang, X. (2014). Understanding the psychology of mobile phone use and mobile shopping of the 1990s Cohort in China: A lifestyle approach. International Journal of Online Marketing, 4 (3), 74-90.

Wei, R. (2014). Texting, tweeting, and talking: Effects of smartphone use on civic discourse engagement in China. Mobile Media & Communication 2 (1), 3-19.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2013). Perceived poll bias and inference of biased poll impact in the 2010 U.S. midterm elections: Media performance in the eyes of the beholder. The Open Communication Journal, 7, 1-9.

Wei, R., & Golan, G. (2013). Political advertising on social media in the 2012 presidential election: Exploring the perceptual and behavioral components of the third-person effect. Electronic News, 7 (4), 223-242.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2013). Examining sexting’s effect among adolescent mobile phone users. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 11 (2), 176-193.

Wei. R. (2013). Mobile media: Coming of age with a big splash. Mobile Media & Communication, 1 (1), 50-57.

Jiang, J. & Wei, R. (2013). Power distance and online organization-public relationship building: A comparative analysis of U.S. and Chinese corporate websites. Chinese Journal of Communication, 6 (1) 81-102.

Lo, V., Wei, R., & Su, H. (2012). Self-efficacy, information-processing strategies and acquisition of knowledge in a global pandemic. Asian Journal of Communication, 9 (3), 1-14.

Jiang, J., & Wei, R. (2012). Influences of culture and market convergence on the international advertising strategies of multinational corporations in North America, Europe and Asia. International Marketing Review, 29 (6), 597–622.

Wei, R., Chia, S., & Lo, V. (2011). Influences of the third-person effect and hostile media perception on voter attitudes toward polls in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23 (2), 169-190.

Wei, R., Lo, V., & Lu, H. (2011). Examining the perceptual gap and behavioral intention in the perceived effects of polling news in the 2008 Taiwan presidential election. Communication Research, 38 (2), 206-277.

Wei, R., Lo, V., & Lu, H. (2010). The third-person effect of tainted food product recall news: Examining the role of credibility, attention and elaboration for college students in Taiwan. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 87 (3/4), 598-614.

Lo, V., & Wei, R. (2010). New media and political communication in Asia: A critical assessment of research on media and politics, 1988-2008. Asian Journal of Communication, 20 (2), 264-275.

Lo, V., Wei, R., & Wu, H. (2010). Examining the first, second and third person effects of Internet pornography on Taiwanese adolescents: Implications for the restriction of pornography. Asian Journal of Communication, 20 (1), 90-103.

Wei, R., & Hao, X. (2010). Effects of government regulations on spam: Lessons from Singapore in regulating mobile advertising. Asian Communication Research, 7 (3), 77-101.

Wei, R. (2009). The state of new media technology research in China: A review and critique. Asian Journal of Communication, 19 (1), 115-126.

Wei, R., Hao, X., & Pan, J. (2009). Examining user behavioral response to SMS ads: Implications for the evolution of the mobile phone as a bona-fide medium. Telematics & Informatics, 27, 32-41.

Wei, R., Lo, V., & Lu, H. (2008). Third-person effects of health news: Exposure, third-person effects and behavioral intentions. American Behavioral Scientist, 52 (2), 261-277.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2008). News media use and knowledge about the 2006 U.S. midterms elections: Why exposure matters in voter learning. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 20 (3), 347-362.

Wei, R. (2008). Motivations for use of the cell phone for mass communications and entertainment. Telematics & Informatics: An International Journal on Telecommunications & Information Technology, 25 (1), 36-46.

Lo, V., & Wei, R. (2008). Ethical risk perception of freebies and effects on journalists’ ethical reasoning. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1 (1), 25-37.

Wei, R., Lo, V., & Lu, H. (2007). Reconsidering the relationship between the third-person perception and optimistic bias. Communication Research, 34 (6), 665-684.

Wei, R. (2007). The effects of playing violent videogames on Chinese adolescents. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10 (3), 371-380.

Wei, R. (2007). The high-tech cell phone as self phone: Social identity and goal attainment in individual cell phone dependency. Asian Communication Research, 3 (1), 5-24.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2007). Third-person effects of political attack ads in the 2004 presidential election. Media Psychology, 9 (2), 367-388.

Wei, R. (2006). Lifestyles and new media: Adoption and use of wireless communication technology in China. New Media & Society, 8 (6), 991-1008.

Lo, V., & Wei, R. (2006). Perceptual differences in assessing the harms of patronizing adult entertainment clubs. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18 (4), 474-487.

Wei, R. (2006). Wi-Fi powered WLAN: When built, who will use it? Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 12 (1), 1-21.

Wei, R., & Lo, V. (2006). Staying connected while on the move: Cell phone use and social connectedness. New Media & Society, 8 (1), 53-77.

Lo, V., & Wei, R. (2005). Exposure to Internet pornography and Taiwanese adolescents’ sexual attitudes and behavior. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49 (2), 221-237.

Wei, R., & Jiang, J. (2005). Exploring culture’s influence on standardization dynamics of creative strategy and execution in international advertising, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 82 (4), 838-856.

Wei, R. (2002). Embracing advertising: The Chinese consumers show a new attitude in the 1990s. Asian Journal of Communication, 12 (1), 58-76.

Lo, V., & Wei, R. (2002). Third-person effect, gender and pornography on the Internet. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 46 (1), 13-33.

Lo, V., Wei, R., Chan, J., & Pan, Z. (2002). Job satisfaction of Chinese journalists in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Dalu Yanjiu (Mainland China Studies), 45 (1), 1-18.

Leung, L., & Wei, R. (2000). More than just talk on the move: A use-and-gratification study of the cellular phone. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 77 (2), 308-320.

Wei, R., & Pan, Z. (1999). Mass media and consumerist values in the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 11 (1), 75-96.

Wei, R. (1999). Uneven global development of the Internet: A cross-national study. World Communication, 28 (4), 88-101.

Wei, R., & Leung, L. (1999). Blurring private and public behavior in public places: Policy challenges in the use and improper use of the cell phone. Telematics & Informatics, 16 (1-2), 11-26.

Leung, L., & Wei, R. (1999). Seeking news via the pager: A value-expectancy study. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43 (3), 299-315.

Leung, L., & Wei, R. (1999). Who are the mobile phone have-nots? Influences and consequences. New Media & Society, 1 (2), 209-226.

Wei, R., & Leung, L. (1998). Owning and using new media technology as predictors of quality of life. Telematics & Informatics, 15 (4), 237-251.

Wei, R., & Leung, L. (1998). A cross-societal study of the role of mass media in political socialization in China and Taiwan. International Communication Gazette, 60 (5), 377-393.

Huang, Y., & Wei, R. (1998). From ‘mouthpiece’ to party-run enterprises: The evolution of Chinese television from 1958 to 1998. Dongya Jikan (East Asia Quarterly), 29 (3), 76-92.

Leung, L., & Wei, R. (1998). The gratification of pager use: Fashion, sociability, entertainment, and fashion and status. Telematics & Informatics: An International Journal on Telecommunications & Information Technology, 15 (4), 253-264.

Leung, L., & Wei, R. (1998). Factors influencing the adoption of interactive TV in Hong Kong: Implications for advertising. Asian Journal of Communication, 8 (2), 124-147.

McIntyre, B., & Wei, R. (1998). Value changes in Chinese ads: A longitudinal study 1979-1995. Asian Journal of Communication, 8 (2), 18-40.

Pan, Z., & Wei, R. (1997). After the diversity of media content: Cultural value changes in post-Mao China with evidence from two empirical studies. Xinwen Yu Chuanbo Yanjiu (Journalism & Communication Research), 4, 38-51.

Wei, R. (1997). Coping with the challenge of a changing market: Strategies from Taiwan’s press. International Communication Gazette, 58 (2), 117-129.

Wei, R. (1997). The impacts of Chinese People’s life styles on their attitudes toward advertising. Guanggao Xue Yanjiu (Journal of Advertising Research), 9, 33-50.

Wei, R. (1997). Advertising in Mainland China: Developments and impact on the news media. Dongya Jikan (East Asia Quarterly), 28 (2), 134-155.

Wei, R. (1993). Earthquake prediction: Did the news media make a difference? Mass Comm Review, 20 (1 & 2), 111-121.