Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Advertising, University of Texas at Austin | |
(852) 3411-8019 | | | |
CVA Room 907 |
Jiemin Looi (Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin) is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research examines how consumers perceive, interact with, and are persuaded by advertising technologies. Jiemin’s work is also contextually aligned with the strategic communication of science, health, environmental, and risk issues.
To date, she has received 6 research awards, 10 academic honors and merit-based fellowships, as well as 10 professional development awards. Jiemin has also published extensively in flagship and SSCI-indexed academic journals, such as Public Understanding of Science, Energy Policy, Energy Research & Social Science, and Environmental Communication.
Research Interests
Looi, J., Kim, E. J. & Zihang, E., (2024), “Sponsorship disclosure in virtual influencer marketing: A computational assessment of users’ sentiment and engagement toward virtual influencer endorsements”, (Accepted/In press), Journal of Advertising Research.
Looi, J. & Kahlor, L. A., (2024), “Artificial Intelligence in Influencer Marketing: A Mixed-Method Comparison of Human and Virtual Influencers on Instagram”, (E-pub ahead of print) Journal of Interactive Advertising. 20 p.
Sussman, K. L., Looi, J., Bright, L. F. & Wilcox, G. B., (2024), “How Does Fear Drive the News of the Day? Examining Topic Salience During Trump's Transition of Power” in The Darker Side of Social Media: Consumer Psychology and Mental Health. Scheinbaum, A. C. (ed.). 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 20 p.
Sussman, K., Looi, J. & Park, H., (2024), “Examining Implications of Search Query Construction on Sentiment Analysis: The Case of Brandwatch”, (E-pub ahead of print) Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. p. 1–18 18 p.
Ham, J., Li, S., Looi, J. & Eastin, M. S., (2024), “Virtual humans as social actors: Investigating user perceptions of virtual humans’ emotional expression on social media”, Computers in Human Behavior. 155, 14 p., 108161.
Song, G. Y. W., Looi, J., & Kang, E. Y. (2023). Assessing how an unofficial brand partnership affects a brand image: The case of the Satan Shoes. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.
Looi, J., & Ho, S. S. (2023). Spokespersons for science: Examining social media influencers’ popularization of controversial technologies on YouTube. Journal of Science Communication,
Looi, J., Kemp, D. & Song, G. Y. W. (2022). Instagram influencers in health communication: Examining the roles of influencer type and message construal in COVID-19 prevention public service announcements. Journal of Interactive Advertising,
Ho, S. S., Looi, J., Leung, Y. W., K. Viswanath, M. A. Bekalu., (2020). Comparing the knowledge gap hypothesis in the United States and Singapore: The case of nanotechnology. Public Understanding of Science, 29(8), 835–854.
Ho, S. S., Kim, N., Looi, J., & Leong, A. D. (2020). Care, competency, or honesty? Framing emergency preparedness messages and risks for nuclear energy in Singapore. Energy Research & Social Science, 65, 101477.
Ho, S. S., Looi, J., Goh, T. J. (2020). Scientists as public communicators: Individual- and institutional-level motivations and barriers for public communication in Singapore. Asian Journal of Communication, 30(2), 155–178.
Ho, S. S., Looi, J., Leung, Y. W., Goh, T. J. (2019). Public engagement by STEM and non-STEM researchers in Singapore: A qualitative comparison of macro- and meso-level concerns. Public Understanding of Science, 29(2), 211-229.
Ho, S. S., Oshita, T., Looi, J., Leong, A. D., & Chuah, A. S. F. (2019). Exploring Public Perceptions of Benefits and Risks, Trust, and Acceptance of Nuclear Energy in Thailand and Vietnam: A Qualitative Approach. Energy Policy, 127, 259-268.
Ho, S. S., Leong, A. D., Looi, J., & Chuah, A. S. F. (2019). Online, Offline, or Word-of-Mouth? Complementary Media Usage Patterns and Credibility Perceptions of Nuclear Energy Information in Southeast Asia. Energy Research & Social Science, 48, 46-56.
Ho, S. S., Looi, J., Leong, A. D., Leung, Y. W. (2018). Explicating Factual and Subjective Science Knowledge: Knowledge as a Mediator of News Attention and Attitudes. Asian Journal of Communication.
Ho, S. S., Looi, J., Chuah, A. S. F., Leong, A. D., & Pang, N. (2018). “I can live with nuclear energy if…” Exploring public perceptions of nuclear energy in Singapore. Energy Policy, 120, 436–447.
Ho, S. S., Leong, A. D., Looi, J., Chen, L., Pang, N., & Tandoc, E. Jr. (2018). Science literacy or value predisposition? A meta-analysis of factors predicting public perceptions of benefits, risks, and acceptance of nuclear energy. Environmental Communication, 457–471.