Angela MAK Angela MAK
Angela MAK 麥嘉盈

Associate Professor

B.S.S. HKBU (1st Hon.), M.Phil HKBU, Ph.D., University of Oregon
(852) 3411-7226
CVA Room 918
Advice to Students
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. (attributed by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt)

Dr Angela Mak is the first Hong Kong native received a PhD specialized in Public Relations from the United States (University of Oregon). Her professional and scholarly works involved partnerships with organizations across different sectors in the US, Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong. During her doctoral study, Dr Mak was appointed as Chair of Research Committee of the International Association of Business Communicators’ Research Foundation. Her PhD dissertation was funded by PeaceHealth, one of the largest nonprofit medical groups in Pacific Northwest, and her recommendations on social responsibility were adopted by the top management.

Dr Mak’s research areas of expertise include social responsibility, community engagement and cancer survivorship. She has published two dozen research articles in international peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, including the Journal of Public Relations ResearchPublic Relations ReviewJournal of Occupational RehabilitationJournal of Cancer SurvivorshipJournalism and Mass Communication Educator and Australian Journalism Review among others. She has also won 4 best research paper awards in top communication and public relations international conferences (i.e. ICA, AEJMC and IPRRC).

Dr Mak has a special interest in using her communication expertise in solving health-related issues to form a larger stakeholder policy community. She has also supervised over half a dozen student-led campaigns which has significant social impacts and were well received by the media and local community: 1) the inaugural cyber wellness summit in 2008 (co-organized with Singapore government agencies and NPOs), 2) Sharing Plates cookbook launch in 2011 (with the National Cancer Centre Singapore), 3) Youth Hawkerprise campaign in 2013 (applauded by the Prime Minister Office), 4) 《分甘同味》 knowledge transfer project in 2006 (with Hong Kong Cancer Fund) and 5) 《吾係好爸爸》 book launch in 2017 (with Family Value Foundation). With her expertise in community engagement, health promotion and strategic communication, Dr Mak believes that at the end of the day, ideas without action do not make a difference.


Research Interests

Social Responsibility
Community Engagement
Cancer Survivorship
Health Communication
Public Relations Education and Pedagogy



Refereed Book Chapters

Pang, A., Mak, A. K. Y., & Shin, W. (2018). Integrated CSR communication: Toward a model encompassing media agenda building with stakeholder dialogic engagement. In Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Maon, F., & Watkins, R. (Eds.). Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Era (pp.158-175). Routledge Publishing

Chaidaroon, S., Mak, A. K. Y., & Mohammed, R. S. (2018). Plotting CSR narrative: CSR stories by global fashion brands after the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh. In Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Maon, F., & Watkins, R. (Eds.). Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Era (pp.303-318). Routledge Publishing

Sutherland, S., & Mak, A. K. Y. (2017) Blending dialogic and relationship management theories Developing an integrated social media communication model for the non-profit sector. In Duhe, S. (Ed.). New Media and Public Relations (3rd Ed.) (pp.129-140). Peter Lang Publishing.

Pang, A., Mak, A. K. Y., & Lee, M. H. (2015). Communicating corporate social responsibility in Singapore: Towards more effective media relations. In Ng, P., & Ngai, C. (Eds.). Role of Language and Corporate Communication in Greater China: From Academic to Practitioner Perspectives (pp.127-148). New York: Springer.

Mak, A. K. Y., & Pang, A. (2014). Communicating cancer: Media agenda building for cancer promotion in Singapore. In Eaves, M. (Ed.). Applications in Health Communication: Emerging Trends (pp.1-13). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Chaidaroon, S., & Mak, A. K. Y. (2013). Cultural perspective on social entrepreneurship: A case study of social media usage by a community-based cancer treatment in Rural Thailand. In Wankel, S., & Pate, L. (Eds.). Social Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for Social Change (pp. 87-116). Information Age Publishing.

Pang, A., Mak, A. K. Y., & Lee, M. H. (2011). Significance of sector-specific corporate social responsibility initiatives: Status and roles of CSR in different sectors. In Ihlen, O., Barlett, J., & May S. (Eds.), The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 295-315). Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.

Mak, A. K .Y., & Chaidaroon, S. (2011). Case on Malay cancer survivors in Singapore. In Brann, M. (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Health Communication: Theoretical and Practical Case Studies (pp. 85-102). Kendall Hunt.

Refereed Journal Publications

Mak, A. K. Y., Chaidaroon, S., Poroli, A. & Pang, A., (2023), “Capturing the dynamic tension in CSR discourses: Toward an integrative circuit of culture model”, Public Relations Review. 49, 2, 11 p., 102308.

Chan, M. H. Y. & Mak, A. K. Y., (2024), “Communicating LGBTQ-supportive CSR for corporate legitimacy: a cultural discourse analysis in Hong Kong”, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Chinese Journal of Communication. 17 p.

Liao, M., Mak, A. K. Y. (2019). “Comments are disabled for this video”: A technological affordances approach to understanding source credibility assessment of CSR information on YouTube. Public Relations Review, 45(5), 101840.

Mak, A. K. Y., & Song, A. (2019). Revisiting social-mediated crisis communication model: The Lancome regenerative crisis after the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. Public Relations Review, 45(4), 10812.

Mak, A. K. Y., & Tarek, K. M. (2017). Fashion CSR by global brands vs. social enterprises: A closer look after the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh. Media Asia.

Mak, A. K. Y. (2017). Teaching international public relations: A follow-up survey among educators. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 72(2), 168-182.

Mak, A. K. Y., Pang, A., & Hart, E. (2015). Communicating corporate social responsibility: agenda building in Australia. Australian Journalism Review, 37(1), 149-163.

Mak, A. K. Y., Chaidaroon, S., & Pang, A. (2015). MNCs and CSR engagement in Asia: a dialectical model. Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 15(2), 22-36.

Mak, A. K. Y., & Hutton, J. K. (2014). Using feature films to teach public relations: An assessment model from non-major students’ perspective. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 69(4), 386-403.

Hutton, J. K., & Mak, A. K. Y. (2014). Is a picture worth a thousand words? Using films and television shows to teach public relations. Public Relations Review, 40(3), 585-594.

Mak, A. K. Y., Ho, S. S., & Kim, H. J. (2014).  Factors related to employer’s intent to hire, retain and accommodate cancer survivors: The Singapore perspective. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 24, 725-731.

Mak, A. K. Y., Chaidaroon, S., Fan, G., & Thalib, F. (2014). Unintended consequences: The social context of cancer survivors and work. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 8(2), 269-281.

Lee, M. H., Mak, A. K. Y., & Pang, A. (2012). Bridging the gap: An exploratory study of corporate social responsibility among SMEs in Singapore. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24: 299-317.

Mak, A. K. Y. (2011). Toward an occupational rehabilitation policy community for cancer survivors in Singapore: A stakeholder perspective from the SME employers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21, 77-85.

Mak, A. K. Y. (2011). An identity-centered approach of place branding: Case of industry partners’ evaluation of Iowa’s destination image. Journal of Brand Management, 18, 438-450.

Hutton, J., Leung, V., & Mak, A. K. Y., et al. (2011). Students, patients, citizens and believers as “customers”: A cross-national exploratory study. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 24(1), 41-70.

Mak, A. K. Y. (2009). Public Relations in Vietnam: The development under the Doi Moi policy. Media Asia, 36(2), 70-89.

Mak, A. K. Y. (2007) Personal impact assessment of advertising culture of “whiteness”: Facial skin color preferences among urban Chinese. Visual Communication Quarterly, 14(3), 114-157.

Peterson, J. W, & Mak, A. K. Y. (2006). Teaching (about) international public relations: An examination of individual and institutional attributes of public relations educators in the United States,” Public Relations Review, 32(4), 416-419.

Mak, A. K. Y. (1999). Facial skin color preferences for Chinese women in Hong Kong magazine advertisements. Human Communication, 2(1), 87-98.



Awards & Achievements
Top Paper Award. Open Category. Public Relations Division. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. (August 2005).

Top Paper Award. Teaching Category. Public Relations Division. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. (August 2005).

Top Paper Award. The 8th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference. Institute for Public Relations. (March 2005).

Best Dissertation Award. School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon. (June 2005). Dissertation title: Adopting an identity-centered model in assessing and managing reputation: A case study in PeaceHealth Medical Group.

Certificate of Appreciation. International Association of Business Communicators. Served the Chair of Research Committee of the IABC Research Foundation 2001-2004 (2004).

Top Student Paper Award. Public Relations Division. The 50th Annual International Communication Association Conference. (May 2000). Paper title: Processing Chinese corporate financial information via the signaled stopping technique.

Research Grants: Externally Funded

General Research Fund. (2018). Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Interplay Between Macro- and Meso-factors Among Top Asian Companies. HK$288,136.
Singapore Cancer Society Grant. (2010). The Economic and Social Impacts of Cancer: A Stakeholder Approach. Principal Investigator. S$37,440.

PeaceHealth Medical Group Externally-Funded Grant. (2004). Reputation and Identity Study among Key PeaceHealth Stakeholders. This project was funded to support the research data collection for my dissertation at the University of Oregon. Delivered research report and strategic recommendations to the top management of PHMG. Principal Investigator. US$7,600.

Research Grants: Internally Funded

UGC Community of Practice Grant. (2017). Digital Cultural Heritage of HKBU’s School of Communication: An Inside-Out Engagement Approach to Community of Practice. Principal Investigator. HKD$499,200.

FRG Category II. (Hong Kong Baptist University, 2017). Anticipatory Socialization and Distributing Public Relations: A Content Analysis of Online Newspapers and Social Media Content in Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. HKD$89,856.

Knowledge Transfer Partnership Seed Fund. (Hong Kong Baptist University, 2015). Community Cookbook Collaboration for Holistic Cancer Care. Principal Investigator. HKD$119,800.

Research Grant. (Faculty of Arts, Monash University, 2014). Idealized Body Image among Male Youth in Australia: Toward An Integrated Cognitive Processing Approach. Principal Investigator. AUD$2,000.

New Appointee Grant. (Faculty of Arts, Monash University, 2013). The Role of Public Relations in Social Responsibility and Community Involvement. Principal Investigator. AUD$2,500.

Research Cluster Grant. (WKWSCI, Nanyang Technological University, 2013). Sustainability and Communication Issues. Contributed the business and stakeholder perspective (CSR). Co-Investigator. S$49,990.

S$15K Research Grant (WKWSCI, Nanyang Technological University 2010). Work and Cancer Survivors: A Multi-Faceted Stakeholder Approach. Principal Investigator. S$14,550.

RG1 RCC Research Grant (WKWSCI, Nanyang Technological University, 2007). Stakeholder Identification and Resource Capability: An Empirical Study. Principal Investigator. S$4,870.

College of Agriculture Internal Grant (Iowa State University, 2005). An Identity-Image Study for the College’s Name Change Decision. The College is one of the top five agricultural colleges in the US and it is also one among nine institutions in the nation that has retained the name “College of Agriculture.” This project aimed to help the College decide if a name change is needed. Principal Investigator. US$5,608.


Media interviews

(June 2017). Extensive media coverage of book project 《吾係好爸爸》:

(April 2017)《大學Secrets》EP26:

(July-Oct 2016). Extensive media coverage of book project 《分甘同味》:

(August 2016). 經緯線《關公很忙》:

(2011) Guidelines for health-cared ads outdated, under review. The Straits Times: