Stephanie Jean TSANG Stephanie Jean TSANG
Stephanie Jean TSANG 曾姿穎

Assistant Professor

BA UCLA, MPhil CUHK, PhD UW-Madison
(852) 3411-8228
CVA Room 916

Stephanie Jean Tsang is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, where she serves as the director of HKBU Fact Check. Her research focuses on the psychology of the media audiences, particularly the study of message effects and persuasion on digital media.

Tsang has developed three major lines of inquiry: 1) the role of misinformation and disinformation in politics and health; 2) the impact of digital media on audience outcomes; and 3) the influence of message processing on social evaluations and behaviors. Her work has appeared in numerous scholarly journals including Journal of CommunicationJournalism & Mass Communication QuarterlyMedia PsychologyCommunication Studies, and Journalism (Google Scholar).

Tsang received her Ph.D. in Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, her M.Phil. in Communication from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and her B.A. in Communication Studies and B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.


Research Interests

Fake news and misinformation
Media psychology
Science communication
Social media engagement



Journal Articles

Tsang, S. (forthcoming). Insights from Educators: Integrating AI Literacy into Media Literacy Education in Practice. Journal of Media Literacy Education.

Tsang, S., & Zhou, L. (2025). Understanding Public Preference for Misinformation Interventions: Support for Digital Platform Monitoring, Media Literacy Education, and Legislation. Online Information Review.

Song, Y., Lu, Y., Tsang, S. J., Zhang J., & Ku, K. Y. (2025). When Corrections Fail: Effects of Misinformation Targets, Repeated Exposure, and Partisanship on Misinformation Beliefs. International Journal of Communication, 19(2025), 392-416.

Tsang, S. (2024). Misinformation, Disinformation, and Fake News? Proposing a New Typology Framework of False Information. Journalism

Zhao, X., & Tsang, S. (2024). How People Process Different Types of Misinformation on Social Media: A Taxonomy Based on Falsity Level and Evidence Type. Health Communication, 39(4), 741-753. 

Tsang, S., Zheng, J., Li, W., & Salaudeen, M. (2023). An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Fact Checks: Interplay of Evidence Type, Veracity, and News Agreement. Online Information Review, 47(4), 1415-1429.

Tsang, S. (2023). Communicating Climate Change: The Impact of Animated Data Visualizations on Perceptions of Journalistic Motive and Media Bias. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 67(2), 161-182.

Tsang, S. (2022). Biased, not lazy: Assessing the effect of COVID-19 misinformation tactics on perceptions of inaccuracy and fakeness. Online Media and Global Communication, 1(3), 469-496.

Shi, J., Chen, L., & Tsang, S. (2022). Integrating interpersonal communication into the influence of presumed media influence model: Understanding intentions to censor and correct COVID-19 misinformation on social media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 66(3), 464-483.

Zhao, X., & Tsang, S. (2022). Self-protection by fact-checking: How information seeking and verifying affect preventive behaviors in the pandemic. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 30(2), 171-184.

Tsang, S. (2022). Predicting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Hong Kong: Vaccine knowledge, risks from coronavirus, and risks and benefits of vaccination. Vaccine: X, 100164.

Zhao, X., Tsang, S., & Xu, S. (2022). Motivated responsibility attribution in a pandemic: Roles of political orientation, perceived severity, and construal level. International Journal of Communication, 16(2022), 2260-2282.

Tsang, S. (2022). Issue stance and perceived journalistic motives explain divergent audience perceptions of fake news. Journalism, 23(4), 823-840.

Tsang, S., Zhao, X., & Chen, Y. R. (2021). Assessing mechanisms underlying the sharing of official and unofficial information during a pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13298.

Tsang, S. (2021). Motivated fake news perception: The impact of news sources and policy support on audiences’ assessment of news fakeness. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(4),1059-1077.

Tsang, S., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Song, Y., & Zhou, L. (2021). 信息診斷系統設計思路:人工核查、廣眾參與和人工智能的三合一運用 [Theorizing an Information Diagnosis System: The hybrid uses of manual fact-checking, crowdsourcing and artificial intelligence]. 全球傳媒學刊, 8(1), 66-93. 

Tsang, S. (2020). Understanding perceived fakeness of online health news in Hong Kong. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence, 11(2), 1-11.

Tsang, S., & Rojas, H. (2020). Opinion leaders, perceived media hostility and political participation. Communication Studies, 71(5), 753-767.

Tsang, S. (2019). Cognitive discrepancy, dissonance, and selective exposure. Media Psychology, 22(3), 394-417.

Tsang, S. (2018). Empathy and the hostile media phenomenon. Journal of Communication, 68(4), 809-829.

Carr, D. J., Barnidge, M., Lee, B., & Tsang, S. (2014). Cynics and skeptics: Evaluating the credibility of mainstream and citizen journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91(3), 452 – 470.

Yoo, W., Namkoong, K., Choi, M., Shah, D. V., Tsang, S., Hong, Y., Aguilar, M., & Gustafson, D. H. (2014). Giving and receiving emotional support online: Communication competence as a moderator of psychosocial benefits for women with breast cancer. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 13-22.

Mclaughlin, B., Yoo, W., D’Angelo, J., Tsang, S., Shaw, B., Shah, D., Baker, T., & Gustafson, D. (2013). It’s out of my hands: How deferring control to God can decrease quality of life for breast cancer patients. Psycho-Oncoloy, 22(12), 2747-2754.

Tsang, S. (2013). Examining the impact of news attention and education on political tolerance in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication, 6(3), 286-304.

Edited Book

Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) (2024). Everything about Fact-checking (In Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Book Chapters

Tsang, S. (in press). Mapping the Boundaries of Fact-checking: Concrete vs. Arbitrary Criteria for Misinformation Selection. In (eds.) Checking the Factcheckers: A Global Perspective. Routledge. 

Tsang, S. (2024). Overview of Fact-checking. In Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) Everything about Fact-checking (in Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Tsang, S. (2024). The Development of Fact-checking in Hong Kong. In Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) Everything about Fact-checking (in Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Tsang, S. (2024). Views of Hong Kong Residents on the Regulation of Misinformation. In Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) Everything about Fact-checking (in Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Tsang, S. (2024). The Audience's Comprehension and Evaluation of Bias in Fact-checking Content. In Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) Everything about Fact-checking (in Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Tsang, S. and Dong, X. (2024). The Usage of the Term "Fake News" in Hong Kong Social Media. In Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) Everything about Fact-checking (in Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Tsang, S. (2024). The Cutting-edge Technology of Fact-checking. In Tsang, S., Zhou, L., & Huang, Y. (eds.) Everything about Fact-checking (in Chinese). The Commercial Press (HK). 

Tsang, S. (2020). News Credibility and Literacy in the Digital Age. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research Anthology on Fake News, Political Warfare, and Combatting the Spread of Misinformation (pp. 544-564). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7291-7 (Reprinted from Media Literacy Research and Applications Across Disciplines (pp. 135-155), by M. N. Yildiz, M. Fazal, M, Ahn, R. Feirsen, & S. Ozdemir, Eds., 2019, IGI Global) 

Tsang, S. (2019). News Credibility and Literacy in the Digital Age. In M. N. Yildiz, M. Fazal, M, Ahn, R. Feirsen, & S. Ozdemir. (Eds.), Media Literacy Research and Applications Across Disciplines (pp. 135-155). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9261-7

Other Publications

Tsang, S. (2025, January 10). A four-step process to transform everyone into a fact-checker. Times Higher Education

Tsang, S. (2023, April 4). What’s the key to regulating misinformation? Let’s start with a common language. Poynter.

Tsang, S. (2022, March 31).  Understanding how to boost elderly vaccination rate [  提高長者接種率調查報告 ]. The Combating COVID-19 in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University, Report 4.

Tsang, S. (2021, July 16).  Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong [  了解香港「疫苗猶豫」現況及原因 ]. The Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University, Report 5.

Tsang, S. (2021). 香港:浸大事實查核中心誕生的背後 [Hong Kong: The Launch of HKBU FactCheck Service]. Asia-Pacific Journalism Review, 1, 5.



2024. Faculty/School Performance Award - Early Career Researcher

2021. Distinguished Reviewer 2020, Journal of Media Psychology.

2012. Top Student Paper Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Civic and Citizen Journalism Interest Group) with Carr, J., Barnidge, M., Lee, B., and Villanueva, J.



2024. Co-Investigator, General Research Fund. University Grants Council, HKSAR. When Seeing Is No Longer Believing: Exploring the Processing, Effects, and Intervention Strategies of Deepfakes in Hong Kong. 

2024. Principal Coordinator, ENGAGE 2023 Grant Award. International Fact-Checking Network. Information Literacy Exhibition and Fact-checking Workshop by HKBU Fact Check. US$100,000. 

2023. Principal Investigator, Communication Faculty Research Grant. School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University. Science Literacy and Misinformation Susceptibility. HK$60,000.

2022. Principal Investigator, Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas, Hong Kong Baptist University. Risk Management and Trust Building: The Reception of Mediated COVID-19 Health Communication. HK$801,542. 

2021. Principal Investigator. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Media and Artificial Intelligence Literacy Research for Teachers and Students. $198,625.

2021. Principal Investigator, Communication-Media-Culture Studies Funding Scheme. The School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University. Advancing Fact-checking Interventions for Mobile Device Users using an Eye-Tracking Approach. $200,000.

2020. Principal Investigator, General Research Fund. University Grants Council, HKSAR. Understanding Political Disinformation with Facebook Audience Insights and Eye-tracking Technology. $292,400.

2020. Principal Coordinator, Teaching Development Grant – Communities of Practice. Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University. BU Fact Check. HK$494,856.

2020. Principal Investigator, Digital Scholarship Grant. HKBU Library and the Graduate School, Hong Kong Baptist University. Facebook News Analytics in Hong Kong. HK$97,200.

2019. Principal Investigator, Communication Faculty Research Grant. School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University. Hostile Media 2.0. HK$60,000.

2019. Co-Investigator, Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas. Hong Kong Baptist University. Macro Environment and Non-company News on Stock Market Performance: A Comparative Study of Media Sentiment, Public Engagement, and Prediction Models. HK$586,560.

2018. Principal Investigator, Faculty Research Grant II. Hong Kong Baptist University. Understanding Facebook Likes, Shares and Comments: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and the United States. HK$55,770.

2017. Principal Investigator, Tier 1 Start-up Grant. Hong Kong Baptist University. HK$100,000.

2016/2017. Louise Elizabeth George Scholarship Fund, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Media interviews

2025, Jan 26. Will Hong Kong do better when next big public health crisis hits? South China Morning Post. 

2025, Jan 19. 未來城市:Meta終止美國事實查證計劃 社群筆記代Fact-check 放生假資訊. 明報. 

2025, Jan 16. Meta ends US fact-checking programme. Fact Focus, RTHK.

2024, Oct 24. Hurricane Milton unleashes torrent of fake videos, wild claims. Fact Focus, RTHK. 

2024, May 28. 資訊素養:「浸大事實查核」教學生尋破綻 追本溯源 破解網上虛假信息]. 明報. 

2024, April 26. 看展覽|繁雜資訊和人工智能撲朔迷離 浸大事實查核 教你辨真偽. 橙新聞. 

2024, April 25.「浸大事實查核」展覽冀提升中學生對事實查核意識及能力. 香港電台網站:中文新聞.

2024, April 25. 浸大舉辦資訊素養展覽讓市民了解如何分辨事實及觀點. 香港電台網站:中文新聞.

2024, April 25. 浸大舉辦資訊素養展覽 提升巿民事實查核意識及能力. 巴士的報.

2024, April 1. AI打字僅2分鐘可生成4秒短片 學者指應探討規管 市民:假東西比真的還要真. 有線新聞.

2022, December 19. ‘I don’t trust it:’ Vaccine hesitancy lingers even as China COVID cases surge. Reuters.

2022, June 26. The Chinese fact checkers taking on the Covid infodemic – a rumour at a time. South China Morning Post. 

2022, February 20. 防疫速遞. RTHK 香港電台.

2022, January 19. 今日我做莊:香港浸會大學事實查核中心聯席主任 王悅博士、曾姿穎博士. RTHK 香港電台.

2022, January 11. Hong Kong had a year to vaccinate its elderly. As omicron spreads, low uptake has left them vulnerable. The Washington Post.

2022, January 4. 香港浸會大學事實查核中心成立一週年 全年共計查核出69篇假新聞. 廣東電視台.

2021, August 19. 誰為真假定分界:香港如何應對資訊漩渦?. 立場新聞.

2021, July 29. Fake News and how we can live with them. 123 Show, RTHK Radio 3.

2021, July 28. 香港浸會大學研究計劃助市民緩減「疫苗猶豫」. 鳳凰秀, 鳳凰衛視.

2021, July 27. 微軟主席蓋茲利用人類恐懼,透過疫苗將晶片植入人體?. 新聞 Fact Check, 有線新聞i-Cable News.

2021, July 13. 外國流傳「疫症」滅絕人口計劃. 新聞 Fact Check, 有線新聞i-Cable News.

2021, June 21. 「假新聞法」. 經緯線, Now 財經 新聞.

2021, June 20. 「假新聞法」. 經緯線, ViuTV.

2021, May 30. 通識導賞:假新聞法 誰定真假. 明報OL.

2021, May 25. 復必泰疫苗將耗盡 想接種要趁早? 新聞 Fact Check, 有線新聞i-Cable News.

2021, April 26. 打擊假新聞 提升全民媒體素養. 深度報導, 香港01 (HK01).

2021, March 22. 袁國勇曾說不打疫苗? 新聞 Fact Check, 有線新聞i-Cable News.

2021, March 14. 假資訊全球關注 學者成立事實查核中心查證網絡傳說. 新聞 Fact Check, 有線新聞i-Cable News.

2021, January 20. 假資訊涉各領域 企業不能不防. 行政人員版, 香港經濟日報 (HKET).

2021, January 20. 大學成立事實查核中心 分辨假新聞. 行政人員版, 香港經濟日報 (HKET).

2020, December 30. ‘BU FactCheck’ launched to fight fake news. Hong Kong Today, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK).