
The Public Relations (PR) Concentration consistently ranks among the best undergraduate PR programs in Hong Kong and in Asia-Pacific. This concentration nurtures strategic communicators who transform the purpose of an organization into outcomes and protect its brand and reputation by earning trust from various stakeholders.
The Concentration curriculum provides students with knowledge and skills in strategic communication, organization-stakeholder relationship management, media relations and publicity, public relations writing and content creation, social media management, campaign planning, corporate social responsibility strategies and actions, issue and crisis management, and research analyses. Courses in this program are offered through contemporary instructional methods and strategic collaborations with the leaders from the professional communities.

PR graduates are well-prepared for careers as public relations professionals in corporations, agency firms, governments, and nonprofit organizations. They often become communication consultants, corporate communication managers, stakeholder engagement officers, campaign planners, social media managers, publicists/spokespersons, financial public relations specialists, corporate social responsibility officers, community outreach officers, government and public affairs managers, crisis management specialists, and communication data analysists.
